I have questions about assisted travel. What do I do?
If you haven’t travelled with us before, or even if you have and are going to a new part of our network, you may have questions about your journey. The fastest way to get advice is to use our Twitter service (@merseyrail). The team are available 06:00 – 23:30 Mon to Sat & 10:00 - 18:00 Sun.
Alternatively you can contact us via our form here and a member of our friendly customer relations team will get back to you.
How do I arrange assistance in advance?
Getting in touch and telling us your needs in advance can help us make sure we have arrangements ready for your journey. Both our trains and our stations can be busy at times, so where you can please let us know at least one hour in advance. We will make sure that staff are ready for you when you arrive to begin your journey.
You can request passenger assist by telephoning 0800 0277 347 (Freephone) or 0151 555 1111. We will then contact you directly to confirm the arrangements.
Please note the number above is only available between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, if you need to book outside of these times please call 0151 702 2704.
Alternatively, you can use the Passenger Assistance app, available to download for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
What should I do if I need assistance on a train?
If you have any questions or need help whilst on the train, our Train Managers are here to help. They regularly carry out ticket inspections on board our services, so will be available at points on your journey to answer your questions or provide any information you may need.
Don’t forget that our social media team (@merseyrail) are also available to help via X. The team are available 06:00 – 23:30 Mon to Sat & 10:00 - 18:00 Sun and will usually respond within a few minutes.
What happens when I reach my destination?
When you reach your destination on the Merseyrail network, a member of our team will be there to meet you and make sure you get the help you need, if you can’t find them please speak to the guard who will help or press the Help Point call button located on every platform.
What kind of support and assistance is available?
We are able to provide a range of support to you depending on your needs. This may include:
- Laying down ramps to enable you to get on or off any of our services
- Guide you to the train
- Provide information about station facilities including accessible toilets
- Support you in carrying luggage within the station boundaries
The support we can provide is not limited to the points above please contact us in advance to discuss any questions you may have about your specific needs.
A copy of our Accessible Travel Policy can be obtained from our customer relations team and is available online as a PDF here. The policy is designed in a way that means it is accessible using screen readers or other software with accessibility features (e.g. Adobe Reader). Alternative formats of our policy including audio book and larger print are available on request without charge. Please contact our assisted travel team if you require one of these formats.
Am I entitled to any discounts?
Disabled Persons Railcard
We support the Disabled Persons Railcard, which offers you and an adult companion travelling with you, up to a third off most rail fares in Great Britain.
The Railcards are currently available as twelve month or three-year cards, so you can choose one that most suits your needs. The Disabled Persons Railcard scheme is managed by the Rail Delivery Group.
If you are eligible, you can apply for a Disabled Persons Railcard by filling in an application form which can be obtained from Merseyrail ticket offices, downloaded online or obtained by phone. You will need to show proof of disability when applying for the Railcard.
Please note there are no time restrictions on when tickets can be bought for when using this railcard.
The Disabled Persons Railcard website has a full list of proofs of eligibility or you can contact the Disabled Persons Railcard team for help with your application and further advice. Please note it is not possible to purchase the Disabled Persons Railcard over the ticket-office counter. The Disabled Persons Railcard Office contact details are:
Helpline: 0345 605 0525
Textphone: 03456040132
Website: www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk
Discounts for visually impaired customers
If you are a visually-impaired person travelling with a companion and you do not hold a railcard, the following discounts will apply on tickets purchased from ticket offices ;
- First/Standard Anytime Single or Return – 34% off
- First/Standard Anytime Day Single – 34% off
- First/Standard Anytime Day Return – 50% off
No concession applies if you are travelling alone and you do not hold a railcard. To obtain these discounts, a document confirming your disability, issued by a recognised institution (for example, Social Services Department, Local Authority, Guide Dog Ownership certificate, Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) or Blind Veterans UK) is required. This evidence must be provided at the time you buy your ticket.
It is also possible that you can be issued with one adult season ticket to cover two persons; with the two travelling for the price of one. In this case, a different companion may travel with you on different days. Please speak to colleagues in our customer relation team if you need any further assistance.
Discounts for customers who use wheelchairs
If you remain in your wheelchair for a rail journey and you do not hold a railcard, you will be given the following discounts on anytime/day tickets:
- First/Standard Anytime Single or Return – 34% off
- First/Standard Anytime Day Single – 34% off
- First/Standard Anytime Day Return – 50% off
The same discount will apply if you have one companion.
Senior railcard
If you are 60 years old or over you can buy a Senior Railcard which offers up to a third off most rail fares throughout the rail network in Great Britain. Certain restrictions apply on some rail networks during the morning peak periods.
The Senior Railcard is valid for 12 months or three years and you can choose the time period which suits your circumstances. Please note that time restrictions do apply please see the website below for up to date details.
More information is available from;
Senior Railcard Office Website: www.senior-railcard.co.uk
Email: railcardhelp@railcards-online.co.uk
Call: 0345 300 0250
There may be other Railcards that may be suitable for you. Please visit railcard.co.uk for further information.
Merseytravel Concessionary Travel Pass
We also accept the Merseytravel Concessionary Pass for disabled people and older people which allows free travel on the Merseyrail’s Northern and Wirral Line services.
If you need any more information please contact Merseytravel directly here or via telephone 0151 330 1000.
Where can I find more information about using a wheelchair or mobility scooter?
For more information about the size of wheelchairs and mobility scooters that are able to travel on our trains or for more information on our voluntary Access Pass scheme please click here.